Mobile Integrated Healthcare

The Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) Consortium is an alliance of the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC) member agencies that share a vision of providing comprehensive community-based care to improve continuity and manage costs to patients and healthcare providers. The Consortium provides a mechanism to centralize, streamline and simplify processes for contracting, data collection, information sharing, quality improvement and regulatory compliance. MIH, by its very nature, is the integration of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and healthcare partners in new and innovative ways. Over 70 EMS agencies within the STRAC region provide emergency 911 response capability within traditional service borders, usually consisting of city or county lines. Hospitals provide care for patients across all the jurisdictions and EMS transports to multiple hospitals and healthcare systems. The Consortium provides solutions for EMS-based Mobile Integrated Healthcare programs, healthcare systems, payors and specialty care providers by mitigating the complex challenges of matching patients to MIH program providers, thereby giving the healthcare organization and/or payor an easy way to ensure all patients in need of community based healthcare management services at home will be cared for consistently and comprehensively, regardless of where the patient lives.
The Mobile Integrated Healthcare Consortium, at its core, leverages the extensive resources of EMS agencies in the STRAC region to provide primary care in the patient’s home along with assistance in navigating the complex healthcare system. MIH programs address issues with over-utilization of 911, hospital re-admission, and at-risk populations by ensuring specific patient populations are cared for efficiently and effectively by routine monitoring and communication, as well as linkages to primary care or specialty care services for better care and outcomes. The Consortium is primarily a structure to allow innovative programs to cross-connect and integrate within the common framework. MIH providers utilize targeted programs that address their unique challenges, while also participating in region-wide efforts.
One of the key tenets of the MIH Consortium is the collaboration and professional collegiality among 911 providers. MIH Consortium members have agreed to perform MIH services in their primary 911 service area, and only cross boundary lines into other agencies areas when requested and/or approved by the agency that is the EMS Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). In the STRAC region, there is only one EMS provider for every square foot of the region. Honoring the existing 911 boundaries both ensures the agency’s primary coverage area will be covered by their own MIH program or one they have approved, and it ensures the Consortium has region-wide coverage for patients.
MIH Hospice
The STRAC Regional MIH (Mobile Integrated Healthcare) Hospice program enables enrolled hospice organizations to collaborate with local MIH providers to support their patients when 911 is contacted. An MIH organization charges a per-member, per-month fee to the hospice organization and, in return, enrolls the hospice organization’s patient census into a database. This database allows an MIH Paramedic to respond alongside an EMS unit when 911 is contacted by the hospice patient or their family. The MIH Paramedic’s goal is to work with the hospice organization to provide the best possible care for the patient, avoiding unnecessary hospital transports whenever possible.

Hospice Inquiry
If your hospice agency is interested in participating in the STRAC Regional MIH Hospice Program, please provide the information below. A member of our team will contact you soon to request additional information and discuss next steps.