National Whole Blood Academy
The STRAC Regional Whole Blood Consortium presents a novel model for the development of a Low-Titer O-Positive Whole Blood (LTOWB) program. This program provides participants an example of how to augment remote damage control resuscitation strategies; and how to integrate and collaborate with multi-disciplinary stakeholder teams, within a trauma system, to optimize efficiency, performance, and safety of a LTOWB program.
The National Whole Blood Academy is presented in beautiful San Antonio, Texas. This two-day event encompasses didactic presentations from LTOWB subject matter experts discussing real-world wins, challenges, and obstacles experienced during the development and implementation of this program.
Ideally, anyone and everyone involved in providing pre-hospital whole blood to patients (Paramedics, Department Chiefs, Training Officers, Blood Bankers, Trauma Surgeons) attend together to promote collaboration and system building.